During my student days, i always feel very perplexed why would intelligent people spend so much time creating theories on commonsensical things and make everything looks so complex. It's only after working in the real world that i begin to appreciate the applications of these economic theories. I was pleasantly surprised that i actually enjoyed the micro and macro economics modules in grad school. :P
It's a paradigm shift from what most other organizations expect from my type of role. And now, I'm supposed to be the Guru who incorporates the economics principles of the free market into my field of specialization and translate into layman langguage for the senior mgrs. Now, I hafta educate the senior folkz to apply the economic principles instead of spoonfeeding them with information and technical analyzes. This way, they are accountable for the decisions they made instead of turning around and point the finger "XXX says so" when things go wrong.
...Have been reading my econs notes/texts religiously the past few months... *bleah*
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