The chest x-ray was a breeze, it was the ultrasound scans that were a 'hassle'. Firstly, you need to have a full bladder for the pelvis uss. There are only so many rooms for the uss and so many technologists on duty. Hehe.. you'll see patients along the corridor waiting patiently for their turn with contorted facial expressions and sitting postures. :Pp The 1st time round, the technologist was unable to get a good scan as I didn't clear my bowels in the morning. So, had to go clear the bowels, and queue again. So, i had to go thru' the "full bladder" routine twice!! Felt like i was a kid in kindy school squirming in my seat, kept raising my hand to inform the staff that i couldn't hold it any longer. *rollz eyes* It was a Relief when she was done with the pelvis scan and i get to go for toilet break before continuing with the breast uss. *phew*
Under the skillful hands of the radiologic technologist, she was merrily clicking away, and taking measurements of the black/grey patches. The more she clicked, the more worried i got... imagination ran even wilder.. *bleah*
After 2 weeks of waiting, went back to the Dr's for the review of the healthscreening results. MAde the Dr doublecheck the report. Very pleased that my worries were unfounded. :Pp
Had my mammo done on tuesday. Unfortunately the place I went to did not have the latest technology to do the painless mammo!! Hope you did not have it as painful as me!
... thankfully, didn't hafta go thru' the dreaded mammo... :P
Phew!!!! good to know all is well. It's always an agony waiting for medical results.
Yeah, but i'd rather go thru' this 'agony'. Some of my frens prefer to believe that "Ignorance is Bliss".
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