Saturday, April 22, 2006

Favorite Sports

Previously, it was only Rugby. And it gotta be the ALL BLACKS and nothing else. Could even do the Ka-Mate, Ka-Mate Haka. (click pix for video) :P
My fav. player: Dan Carter ;-)

Now, it's all about Cricket *zzz...*, Gym & Golf
The head honcho would jokingly threaten to talk about cricket if we were fooling around and not paying attention :P

It's really amazing how one person can have such strong influence on some people's sudden passion in a particular sport.

Sometimes, you can get away by being able to participate in the discussion as an 'armchair critique' over drinks, and 'smoke' your way thru'. However, there are certain sports (eg. Gym) where your body shows the results. You can't go around telling everyone you're really into gym, but in the end hardly steps into one and blame it on the crazy travel schedules. If you are fanatic/passionate enough, you'll be disciplined enough to find time to workout. Else, you'll be the butt of the joke and earn the prestigious title as the Supreme Bootlicker, y'know? :P

The rest of us, humble folks, just switch on to the different modes to understand the lingo when the big boss speaks, and at the same time enjoying ourselves watching the entertaining 'side show'. : )

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