The Black Sheep
Some of them got really Lousy Driving Skills. *Bleah*
Hate those drivers that keep jamming the brakes... it's so teruk, never fail to make me nauseous :(
Dread those that keep changing lanes, and drive at break-neck speed that exceeds the speed limits, putting my precious life in danger :(
Those that put the "On Call" sign when they are not... they rather go round and round the block for the call-booking. :(
And also those that show you the "black face" when you insist that you want to go by the scenic route... why can't i dictate which way to go since i'm paying? *sulkz*
The Chatty, Frenly Drivers...
Will offer you useful pointers on the most efficient routes around S'pore... in terms of cost when you have all the different tariff rates, and in terms of time especially when there's heavy traffic on highways during peak period or when there's traffic jam and you need to find alternative route to your destination.
You'll also get to learn from them which are the traffic police's favorite ambush locations and timings. They give good recommendations on where's the best place for late nite suppers too!
They'll also offer you some unclely advice on tackling the harsh reality of the real world; about life; finding partners; about religions and philosophy; about mechanics of cars, etc, etc...
They have endless anecdotal tales on weird passengers and sometimes, those that work the graveyard shift will entertain you with farnee Ghost stories... :P
You also get to hear their side of the story...
The frustrations they face as they earn their livelihood. The regular complaints: Govt and company policies that impact their livelihood; the petty, demanding passengers as well as those nice passengers that make their day. : )
You can sense their pride as they tell you about their kids' achievements. : )
Even tho' with the different complicated Tariff Rate system, it's still cheaper for me to travel by cab than maintaining a car. So, looks like i gotta continue my regular interaction with the cab drivers... :P
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