Friday, February 13, 2009

The Sound of Music

... the antique hifi system finally went kaput last weekend.. I'm Missing the voices of the crazy duo on Class95's Morning Express and the music *bleah* It has already become a habit to have the radio ON the moment i wake up.. feels like smthg's missing without the music.
No wonder i've been so efficient is getting ready to work this past week, just so i could get into the car earlier. Hehe.. reminds me of the ad sometime ago when there was a blackout and the dude was rushing as if it's an emergency to his car just to catch his favorite song. :Pp
Have ordered the pretty white color SONY Hi-Fi system that comes with iPod dock.. hehe.. finally joing the iPod club. :Pp Hopefully, i can collect my new toy this weekend...


stay-at-home mum said...

Dont we hate it when things go 'kaput' and we have to fork out more hard earned money to replace it?? But think of it, if it doesnt die on us, we have no reason to go out and buy soemthing we have been eyeing all along!! The latest toys!! Go forth and spend, our economy needs it!!

pretzel said...

hehe... collected the hi-fi last weekend. Next Target: The iPod nano =)