The past 12 months have been quite an adventure:
# Seeing the investment shrunk dramatically, wiping out whatever profits that i've made over the past 3-4 yrs :( *heartache*
# Used to being chaufeurred around, and enjoying the convenience of the public transport... now, i've got no excuse and sometimes ended up being arrowed as the chaufeur *stressed* :/ But then again, enjoyed the freedom and mobility, and it helps to clear the mind when cruising on the highway with music On out Loud. :P
# Brought back to earth after leaving the hotshot, snobbish banking industry to join the down-to-earth manufacturing industry. Totally refreshing. :)
# A change in lifestyle habits like waking up early before dawn and having 3 proper meals daily. Totally different from what i've been used to in my entire working life, given my reputation of being notoriously late for early breakfast meetings. :P Have now learnt to appreciate that It's actually a pretty peaceful way to start a new day driving to work and enjoying the beautiful sky as the day breaks. :) And i've put on weight (Yikes!) due to the proper meals.. :P
.. lemme sleep on what i've set my sights on for 2009.. tell u tmr ;-)
Happy new year! May your new year be filled with love, opportunities and blessings beyond your imaginations!
Happy New Year to U & Family too =)
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