冒险王 (The King of Adventures)
This is a Taiwanese program, and the male host travels to many exotic locations in all corners of the world. In the latest instalment, the guy has been to Nepal where he hopped onto a bus (rooftop) on his way to trek the mountains and enjoying the local meals with his local guide; some ulu island in southeast asia with white sandy beach and crystal blue waters where he ate stewed fruitbat cooked in milk; went to the southern most island from Argentina to see the beautiful glaciers. *envious* The style of this program is adventurous, very different from those discovery channel type where the program host only eats in posh restaurant and hotels.
Here's Channel U's schedule on the show timings.
Here's Channel U's schedule on the show timings.
This is an endearing programme that binds Singaporean viewers together, as we witnessed how some of our fellow countrymen are engaged in a life very different from what we are used to in Singapore. And indeed it is very inspiring and interesting to see how Singaporeans break out of their comfort zone to pursue their ideals and dreams in foreign places. The program host is Belinda Lee. Have always thot of her more as a 'happy-go-lucky' gal with an infectious laughter, didn't expect her to be a "crybaby"... someone who is easily moved to tears when she's touched. :P Her warm personality, and the little personal touches she added makes the program even more heartwarming. She makes her host/hostess teary eyed when she volunteers to cook laksa, or surprises them with boxes of S'pore favorite cookies/cakes. =)
Here's Channel U's schedule on the show timings and synopsis.
Here's Channel U's schedule on the show timings and synopsis.
I'm sure it's sheer hard work to produce such excellent programs, but still very envious of both teams as they get to experience and visit such exotic places where many of us can only dream of...
Watched his travels to Bangladesh by chance one night and have been following his travel since. Very adventurous he is, bathing in the river of Bangladesh in full view of hundreds and eating stewed fruit bat in Borneo.
Ya, I watched that episode also... so farnee when he was trying to convince himself that it's the taiwanese version of black chicken :Pp
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