Nodame Cantabile is a J-drama adapted from a popular manga series about 2 extremely talented music students and their road to discovery and realization of their dreams. The drama version is Funny and Entertaining.
Here're some links to the videos:
Who says Classical Music cannot be Fun & Entertaining? ;-)
Here's one of my Favorite Scenes... The students' very 1st performance... a Fun & Lively interpretation of Beethoven's - Symphony No.7 in A Major:
Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn, Strauss, Shubert, etc... all i know is that when i'm trying to concentrate on my studies, Do Not listen to their Music!! I find the crescendos and varying tempos in many classical pieces too distracting especially when u are trying to memorize an entire paragraph of notes for the exams... and i ended up feeling even more stressed! *bleah*
Prior to watching this series, didn't really know how to appreciate performance of the orchestra. I've been to an SSO performance once at the Victoria Concert Hall. Fell asleep in the middle of the performance. :P And I remember that i went away with the conclusion that i'd be better off buying CDs than attending 'live' orchestra performance.
However, with the story intertwined with each performer's struggle and tremendous effort in preparing for each performance, i actually find myself teary-eyed like Nodame in the drama sitting at the conert hall watching the performance. Hehe... think next time i attend an orchestra performance, it'll definitely be a different experience for me, and definitely will be more appreciative of the hard work put in by the conductor and the professional orchestra members. =)
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