It's been a very "expensive" 2 yrs for me if i look at the opportunity costs. Professionally, i have not progressed at all in terms of learning (technical skills) in my field of specialization. And when comparing to my peers in other industries, my market value is sliding. :/ Neither have I made any value-add to the organization these past 2 yrs. :/ These few months meeting up with headhunters and during interviews, i really have difficulty citing success stories in this organization. Found myself citing success stories from my previous organizations instead.
The most important lesson i learnt: Never ever take up a job that is one step down from your current job, even if it pays slightly better... unless you have very good reasons like eg. your priority focus is on your young children/family.
What's my takeaway from this organization and inference to the entire industry?
#1. Despite its "glamourous" image and hotshot salaries, the organization is actually very inefficient in its processes and thought leadership
#2. Learnt all the "DON'Ts"... be it on processes, management styles, leadership calibre, and the way you treat people
#3. To get your way, you hafta be a Real BITCH. No need to bother about making frens. (which I don't think it's right, coz you should always try to work out a win-win solution)
#4. There is a BIG World outside the organization. I find it Dangerous and pathetic to pour your life to this organization and yet still remain an unknown in the mkt in this part of the world.
#1. Despite its "glamourous" image and hotshot salaries, the organization is actually very inefficient in its processes and thought leadership
#2. Learnt all the "DON'Ts"... be it on processes, management styles, leadership calibre, and the way you treat people
#3. To get your way, you hafta be a Real BITCH. No need to bother about making frens. (which I don't think it's right, coz you should always try to work out a win-win solution)
#4. There is a BIG World outside the organization. I find it Dangerous and pathetic to pour your life to this organization and yet still remain an unknown in the mkt in this part of the world.
Really Glad that i'm getting out of this 'world of mediocrity'... and definitely looking forward to start a new chapter in another organization that is forward looking with strong emphasis on innovation and entrepreneurship. :) This month's gonna be a busy month shopping for a car, as the new workplace is located in an ultra ulu corner of S'pore. :P
All the best in your new job!!
New enviroment,New acquaintance, New wardrobe maybe. This is going to be exciting! All the best.
Thank you, thank you both for your well wishes =)
Looking forward to the exciting new business, and new colleagues. :)
Am actually even more excited to share with frens, all about the process of this job-hunting exercise. Really experienced God's hand in terms of His promises and His faithfulness. From the prayer request for a sign, to a series of events to trigger a change in players and roles, and at the same time increased interaction with headhunters, and somehow got referred to this company, and to the timing of the job offer and resignation. His Timing was Impeccable!!
New Wardrobe: hmmm.. my sis is already eyeing on my armani suits, as i will no longer be working in CBD area... :/
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