Don't forget to apply the sunblock! : )
To get a nice healthy golden tan, Keep track of the time spent BBQ'ing yourself in the sun, frolicking in the sea. Else, you'll end up 'overcooked' i.e. Sunburnt. A painful experience, especially when the bra strap cuts into the red, raw skin for the next few days. Don't say never warn you, horr. :P
Those Damned Sandflies
Sandflies are small (about the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen), making them hard to detect. Their bite is generally not felt and leaves a small round, reddish bump that starts itching hours or days later. Use of insect repellent is strongly recommended in areas where sandflies are present.
... having learnt my painful (itchy?) lesson in 1999, I always apply the insect repellent diligently everytime I'm at the beach resorts... It's NOT funny if you get bitten by those damned sandflies. The itch is unbearable, and the scars from the excessive scratching on the bitemarks, take what seem like an eternity to heal. :(
This time round, still kena 10 bites on my body! :(
@#%!$#... Next time, don't be lazy, must bring my own insect repellent...
1. Can You Keep A Secret?
Light, entertaining chick-lit by Sophie Kinsella. A lil' bit like Bridget Jone's Diary. Finished the entire book. : )
Juz found out that they're gonna make the movie starring Kate Hudson! : )
2. God Is Closer Than You Think
Written by John Ortberg. Gotta go a lil' bit slow on this book coz need to read and digest every word, on how to apply to daily life. Managed to finish studying and meditating on chapter 5. Not bad a progress considering the many distractions @ the beach and by the pool. : )
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